
Google Play Store Has App Recommendations for You

The Google Play Store has been trying to make the experience for finding apps easier for Android users. It now offers recommendations through the mobile Play Store app, similar to the web-based version.

The Google Play Store has been trying to make the experience for finding apps easier for Android users. Last month it introduced the recommendations feature in the web based store and now offers the same feature in the Play Store mobile app.

I noticed this today when I went to the store on my Android Smartphone. If you scroll down the store’s main screen, you’ll see a “Recommended for You” section.

Google Play Store recommended apps links

Tap on it and you’ll get you to a new screen that shows you recommendations for you based on previous downloads.

Google Play Store recommended apps recommendations

The recommendations are made based on apps that are similar to what you have, apps you’re Google+ friends have  +1’d and based on your geographical location. It will also display a short explanation why an app has been recommended to you.

This should really help the end user find cool new apps in Google Play. I’ve already found some new apps to try out in the past couple of hours.

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