
How to Change The Windows 7 Start Menu Power Button

Groovy Windows 7 Tutorials, Tips, tricks, How-To, Solutions, Answers, Help, And NewsThe Windows 7 start menu power button defaults to Shut Down.  Of course, if you Click the Small Arrow next to it you can choose all of the other available options like log off, restart, switch user, etc. But ain’t nobody got time for that. Let’s make sure to set the power button to the option you’ll use the most often (while at the same time eliminating the accidental shutdowns.)

In my case, I tend to do a lot of system restarts while testing out new software, so I’m going to change my power button to Restart.

the windows 7 start menu power button with default properties as shut down

the windows 7 power button with changed properties to restart instead

Look groovy?  It’s easy to do and will only take about 5 seconds once you know where to look.  Here’s a brief tutorial on it.

How To Change The Functionality Of the Start Menu Power Button In Windows 7

1. Right-Click the Windows Start Menu Orb and Select Properties.

how to open the start menu properties in windows 7

2. In the Start Menu tab Select which Power button action best meets your needs from the drop-down list.  When finished, Click OK.

change the action of the start menu power button in windows 7

Now you can directly choose your personal power action without using the small arrow button on the side of the button!  This groovy technique is sure to save you valuable seconds if you aren’t someone who needs to shut down very often.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. scornwell

    September 21, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    You are soooo tricky! Thanks.

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