
How to Get Started with Inbox by Gmail

Inbox by Gmail is Google’s latest email service for iOS, Android and Google Chrome. Here’s a quick-look at some features to expect and how to get an invite.

Inbox by Gmail is Google’s latest email service for iOS, Android and Google Chrome (for Mac and PC). Google built Inbox on top of Gmail with the goal of rethinking how we manage our inbox. First impressions, this appears to be the case, at least after a few days of testing it. Here’s a look at some of the features included in this new service.

How do I get Inbox by Gmail?

At least for now, Inbox is invite only however you can request an invite from Google by sending an email to Again, from personal experience it took only a few days for Google to send me my invite after I requested it so get your request in ASAP if you want to test it out.

Another option to get an invite is to find a friend who’s already got in invite as those who’ve already been invited get three invites they can share.

Using Inbox by Gmail

Once you’ve been sent an email verifying your invitation, download the app for iOS or Android.

inbox by Gmail invite

After install, use your Gmail account to login. For this article, I’m using the HTC One (M8) but the process is basically the same on iOS. After you sign in, you’re ready to go and start learning the nuances of the new email system.

Screenshot Tour

The interface is designed to be simple, which it is, once you understand how the app works. That said, there’s still a learning curve during those first 10-15 minutes in the app. Not a surprise I guess being that the goal here is to re-think email management.

inbox by gmail

Basically, email is automatically grouped into several categories and individual emails are treated like tasks rather than actual messages. You can pin messages to the top of your list, snooze them for later, or sweep them away if your done. The great thing is all these tasks can be done by swiping left or right without even opening the email.

sweep and pin

Swiping right for example allows you to snooze an email for later. You can also snooze an email from inside an email by tapping the clock.


It’s obvious that Google focused its efforts on the mobile apps with Inbox by Gmail. But you can also access the service from your PC or Mac as long as you use Google Chrome.

inbox by Gmail Chrome

Trying to access Inbox by Gmail via a browser other than Chrome will give you the popup shown below.

Only Works in Chrome

Currently Google is allowing everyone who’s using Inbox to add their other Gmail accounts. Additionally, per standard operating procedure, existing users can invite their friends and family to the service as well — however for now we only get three invites.

To invite someone, tap the red “+” icon and tap Invite people.


As I mentioned, no need to invite your other Gmail accounts to the service — minus your Google Apps accounts as they are not yet supported through the service.

As this is our first article on the service, I’ve only lightly touched on all that’s packed into Inbox by Gmail. As we spend more time with it, we’ll definitely provide more tips and tricks.

Have you received your invite yet or had time to use it? What’s your take on Inbox by Gmail?



  1. franx

    November 3, 2014 at 7:25 am

    Is there a chance to have an invite?

    • CyleR

      November 3, 2014 at 9:58 am

      Yea I would like to try it too.

  2. Steve Krause

    November 3, 2014 at 7:51 am

    Been using Inbox for a week now. As Brian mentioned, the first few times I used it I was a little lost however now that I’ve been using it for a week, I really like it. Would be hard to go back to standard Gmail on my mobile devices.

    In just a few minutes, I’m able to go through a few dozen emails.

    Summary — I’m a fan. Great new UI for Gmail.

    Now just need them to flip it on for Google Apps.


  3. Jörg Bilert

    November 3, 2014 at 2:24 pm

    I would love to try it.. if anyone have an invite left

  4. Brian Burgess

    November 3, 2014 at 10:08 pm

    We don’t have any invites we can get out to readers. Believe me if we did, we would be more than happy to give them out to people.

    When you do get an invite and start using it, you do get three invites to give out.

    Hopefully Google will start getting more invites out to everyone, or open the service up to the public…

    • RobynMitchell

      November 4, 2014 at 7:00 am

      I requested an email 12 days ago from them with nothing but the initial, thanks we got your request. Hopefully I hear something soon.

  5. antucb

    November 3, 2014 at 11:45 pm

    hi I would love to get an email invite my email is Thank you very much

  6. Norm Nicastro

    November 4, 2014 at 3:40 pm

    Bet they don’t have a simple sort!

    Seriously? Just how much can you do with e-mail, read it, delete it or save it.

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