
How To Teach Google Home to Pronounce Your Name Correctly

If you have a non-English name or Google Home is having problems pronouncing it correctly there are some things you can do.

Your Google Home smartspeaker could be struggling to pronounce your name, especially if it’s not a typical English one. However, teaching it to say it correctly is easy.

Although you can make the speaker sound better by adjusting EQ settings, getting it to say your name without making it sound weird is a different story. You can go about this two ways. The first one is to use your nickname if you have a more pronounced one. However, if you don’t have one or have one you don’t like, you can also spell your name out.

Nickname on Google Home

By default, Google Home will use your name. There is another, easier option, though.

Have you got a nickname that you would like Google Home to use? Great! In the Google Home app, on either iOS or Android, tap Settings. Then, head over to More settings. 

Google Home Settings

Now tap Basic info in the Your info tab and then Nickname. Tapping the Edit button next to that will allow you to type in whatever nickname you would like Google Home to use.

Google Home nickname

Correct Name Pronunciation

But what about if you want your name properly pronounced? Fear not; an option does exist for this, albeit one involving a bit more work. Specifically, you will need to figure out what your name pronunciation looks like written in English (or how you would like it to be pronounced) and then tell Google Home.

To do that, just stay on the same screen you were previously on and tap Spell it out.

Google Home name pronounce

Then, type in the way you would like it said and confirm. You can then hit Play to see if you like the way Google Home says it.

Google Home spell name

If you don’t, you can always tweak it until you get it right. Who knows, you might actually have some fun doing it. You can use different names and spellings to get it right.

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